“If someone tells you writing is easy, he is either lying or I hate him.” —Farley Mowat

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

GORG: a detective story by bpNichol

a man walks into a room. there is a corpse on the floor. the man has been shot through the temple the bullet entering at a 45° angle just above the eyes & exiting almost thru the top of the skull. the man does not walk out of the room. the corpse stands up & introduces himself. later there will be a party. you will not be invited & feeling hurt go off into a corner to sulk. there is a gun on the window sill. You rig up a pulley which enables you to pull the trigger while pointing the gun between your eyes & holding it with your feet. a man walks in on you, you are lying on the floor dead. you have been shot thru the temple the bullet exiting almost thru the top of your skull. you stand up & introduce yourself, the man lies on the floor & you shoot him between the eyes the bullet piercing his temple & exiting thru his skull into the floor. you rejoin the party. the man asks you to leave since you weren’t invited. you notice a stranger in the doorway who pulling out a gun shoots you between the eyes. you introduce each other & lie down. your host is polite but firm & asks you both to leave. at this point a man walks in & intrudes himself. you are lying on the floor & cannot see him. your host appears not to know him & the man leave. the party ends & the room is empty.

the man picks up the corpse & exits.

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