“If someone tells you writing is easy, he is either lying or I hate him.” —Farley Mowat

Monday, September 24, 2018

Two images to write about

Image result for two people of colour

Image result for two people

Write from perspective of two characters with different perspectives on a situation.
1. Use images above.
2. Take two characters from the "Little Red Riding Hood" story.

wolf, grandma, Red Riding Hood, Brothers Grimm, ax, woodman.

What do they know? How do they feel? What is their perspective on the events.

Write from a key moment in the story. Or from after the story. Or…?

You could also update the story and set the Little Red Riding Hood story in the modern world and have the characters be realistic humans (e.g. the Big Bad Wolf is actually a human predator, conniver, etc.)

Negative Capability

"I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a man [sic] is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason..." 

—John Keats

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